Bluetron Continuity

Bluetron Continuity

Prepared for… anything

There will come a time when you will be confronted with a ransomware attack, calamities or human error. Together with Fujifilm and IBM, Bluetron guarantees the continuous availability of your data. We provide a new effective and (cost) efficient solution that gives you access to all your recent data, IT and OT (operational data) within 24 to 36 hours in the event of a calamity.

With the main advantages:

  • No lengthy downtime
  • No data loss
  • No high cost for data recovery
  • No major disruptions in your value chain
  • No (online) backup tool that can be hacked

100% safe and fast

With 100% data guarantee from Bluetron, we make three copies of your data. We store these in three locations. Two of them have no online connection. In addition, all copies are continuously scanned for malware. This makes your data 100% safe. After a calamity or hack, you are guaranteed to have access to your stored data, IT and OT (operational data) again after 24 to 36 hours. And with our data recovery plan you will be operational again in no time.

Price-friendly and no worries

The 100% data guarantee from Bluetron Continuity allows you to start without upfront investments. We use a transparent price menu for desired services and data volume. You also save up to 60% on energy costs thanks to modern tape technology instead of continuously running harddisks. You have full control over and always access to your stored data. Since we keep these in open format, you can ga back in time and bring all data back on any application.

Presentation(s) given by Bluetron Continuity