One DNA for Data and Analytics.

Work and private life will increasingly merge in the coming years. In our view, working from home (also for consultancy) is no longer the exception, but the rule. In the future, companies will have fewer and fewer offices and employees will be forced to work (at least partly) from home. We want to connect to this trend with OneDNA by offering employees various forms of flexibility. Our employment conditions (OneFlexBenefits) are based on this, offering maximum flexibility for the employee, with room for personal growth and development.

Professionally, we mainly focus on Microsoft technology in which all components are discussed. From the good and thorough setting up of an 'on-premise' data warehouse to building and opening up the Cloud data platform. We are the specialist and at the same time a partner who gives our clients direction to work data-driven.

What we think is the most important, however, is that we enjoy what we do together and that we have a nice working environment, where it is no problem to strike out now and then if necessary: ​​simply because we enjoy the work and the mutual cooperation. But 'work hard, play hard' also applies, enjoying the successes we have together and creating space and time to meet and get to know each other in a different way. n short: what we want is to gather a nice club with people around us who are all cut from the same cloth and who have the same standards and value that fit within our company: OneDNA!