

Force starter plate

The internal start-up of data-driven product development does not always run smoothly. X-Force teams bring perspective and expertise to new or deep-rooted data & AI challenges. We quickly deliver solutions that catalyze your business process. Our teams are trained to interpret your business needs and then work with the customer to develop and implement data-driven products. These products increase efficiency and demonstrate the added value of data science? within your organization.


Multidisciplinary team
X-Force teams combine the skills of an analytics translator, data scientist and data engineer. Together, the team understands your data and builds the perfect solution. Our teams perform Agile sprints that lead to a rapid rollout of the product.

Production Pipeline

Production pipeline
Expect rapid deployment of quality tailor-made products. X-Force teams guide you through a proven process: at a rapid pace from idea to product implementation in which we create support and demonstrate where the added value lies.


your business needs and way of working is crucial to our success. We work closely with you to achieve maximum business value. We want to make more than just a product: we ensure that your organization builds institutional knowledge and capacity by involving your employees and yourself in our development process.

What can X-Force deliver?
