Digital Forensics for Global Justice: The Role of Data in Uncovering Human Rights Violations

WOE 10:45 - 11:15

Zaal 2

BigData Republic

The Centre of Information Resilience employs open-source information to gather and verify evidence of potential human rights violations and war crimes. Our presentation will detail the process of using this information to create datasets, carry out digital investigations, and design maps that raise awareness and promote justice.

By working with partners and media, we support justice and accountability initiatives, inform diplomatic strategies, and provide a platform for the stories of human rights abuse victims in hard-to-reach areas where information is often concealed. In this presentation we will also discuss the importance of collaboration and the pursuit of new technical solutions as we navigate an ever-growing volume of data, evolving tools, and an information space increasingly resistant to hostile threats.

  • Thema
    Data Science

    De impact van Data Science op onze business is enorm. Het ontsluiten van gestructureerde en ongestructureerde data door (zelf)lerende modellen vindt toepassing binnen allerlei bedrijven. Het oplossen van grote vraagstukken zoals: 'Hoe kan ik mijn klanten persoonlijker benadrukken met onze e-mailcampagnes?' of 'Kunnen we de hoeveleheid fraudegevallen bij aanvragen terugdringen?' gaat steeds sneller en effectiever door het gebruik van deze voorspellende toepassingen. Data Science helpt om continue waardevolle resultaten te behalen en te innoveren.