Unlocking the power of Big Data and Data Science: the 5 key components of a high-performing team

DIN 11:30 - 12:00

Zaal 2

Big data and data science will be fundamental to the success or failure of all companies, big and small, over the next 1-3 years. It will revolutionise the workforce, increasing capacity and output, drive innovation by solving complex problems and enabling data driven decisions, and bring down the cost of products and services. To unlock the power of big data and data science, you need high performing big data and data science teams.

Whether you are a data scientist or engineer, manager, or senior member of leadership, you can influence the performance of your team and the success of the company. In this session, James Dwyer-Wilkinson, Senior Product Manager of Data & Analytics at LexisNexis, will share 5 practical tips (from personal experience) for building and being part of a high-performing team.

  • Thema
    Data Science

    De impact van Data Science op onze business is enorm. Het ontsluiten van gestructureerde en ongestructureerde data door (zelf)lerende modellen vindt toepassing binnen allerlei bedrijven. Het oplossen van grote vraagstukken zoals: 'Hoe kan ik mijn klanten persoonlijker benadrukken met onze e-mailcampagnes?' of 'Kunnen we de hoeveleheid fraudegevallen bij aanvragen terugdringen?' gaat steeds sneller en effectiever door het gebruik van deze voorspellende toepassingen. Data Science helpt om continue waardevolle resultaten te behalen en te innoveren.